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Savannah Chrisley, 25. Savannah Chrisley's parents include Todd as well as Julie. Following her move to Nashville, she attended Lipscomb University. She later moved to Belmont University where she graduated. Based on Celebrity Net Worth, Todd Chrisley is worth just $1.5 million, but this isn't the complete of the story. Chrisley's fluctuating wealth began with the declaration of bankruptcy he filed under Chapter 7 in 2012. People claims that Todd's assets stood at $4.2million at that time. This was against $49.4million of debt. The year 2013 saw a Judge from the U.S. District court of Atlanta handed down Todd Chrisley, to twelve years' imprisonment and Julie Chrisley, to seven years' prison. The two will spend three years in supervision and are required to pay Restitution. In court records it was found that the judge refused bail to "Chrisley Knows Best". Alexander was born in Serbian origin is born Suzana Drobnjakovic. She was born in Los Angeles, California. She began acting in school shows in the seventh grade. Kate wasn't killed for reasons that NCIS producers didn't want her to be there or because the viewers didn't love her. Sasha Alexander made the decision to end the show, at her discretion. Alexander did this because NCIS was demanding.

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